I still can't quite comprehend how last night happened. Like many great turns of events, it was like a staircase of a bunch of wonderful, "I'm pinching myself" moments and then before you know it you're at a Lost after-party, mingling with some of the actors and crew. With an open bar! But like Francis said.."Who CARES about the bar!!?"
It all started with a show that sold out in ten minutes. Francis was really interested in going to Lost Live: The Final Celebration at UCLA's Royce Hall. After the Lost Paleyfest panel a couple months ago, I was feeling pretty satisfied without spending a bunch more money. At Paleyfest, Francis had had Terry O'Quinn(Locke) sign his book, and we had seen Michael Emerson(Ben), Terry O'Quinn(Locke), Nestor Carbonell(Richard), Zuleikha Robinson(Ilana), Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, the other writers and producers up there discussing the show. It was really really cool. So when this event came up, I knew it would be a lot more expensive, not to mention exclusive. Hence the selling out in ten minutes. After a lot of back and forth, Francis bought tickets on eBay.
The event was focused around Michael Giacchino, the Oscar-winning composer of the AMAZING music during Lost. The scenes that stand out are the emotional raft scene and the Oceanic 6 theme. The event would have the live music of Lost and Jorge Garcia(Hurley), Michael Emerson(Ben), and Nestor Carbonell(Richard). Then they would screen the episode before the finale, the "Penultimate Episode" (I didn't know that term existed.)
After three freeways of horrendous traffic, we finally made it to the UCLA campus. We parked really far away and had to walk a long way before making it to Royce Hall at around 7PM. The theater was gorgeous and even though our seats were technically the worst seats in the place, there wasn't really a bad view in there. And from our balcony, we could look down on the floor seats and gaze at the rich and semi-famous. I spotted Aziz Ansari sitting there, and Francis found the Dell guy. (DUDE! You're getting a Dell!) Samm Levine was there, from Freaks and Geeks and Inglourious Basterds.
The event began with some ABC execs introducing Damon and Carlton. They talked for a little bit, thanked everyone from ABC to J.J. Abrams to the fans and then began bringing out the people who made Lost what it is. The actors! Little did we know, more than just Michael, Jorge, and Nestor were there. There were markers on the stage for a whole gaggle of 'em. First was
Sterling Beaumon (young Ben).
Kim Dickens (Cassidy Phillips, Sawyer's baby mama).
Daniel Roebuck (Leslie Arzt!),
Lance Reddick (Abaddon, the creepy guy that pushes Locke in the wheelchair, etc.)
L. Scott Caldwell (Rose),
William Mapother (Ethan),
Titus Welliver (Man in Black),
Francois Chau (Dr. Chang),
Ian Somerhalder (Boone),
Rebecca Mader (Charlotte),
Jeremy Davies (Daniel Faraday!),
Sonya Walger (Penny!),
Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond!!),
Malcolm David Kelley (Walt),
Harold Perrineau (Michael),
Jorge Garcia (Hurley),
Daniel Dae Kim (Jin!),
Nestor Carbonell (Richard!),
Michael Emerson (Ben),
Josh Holloway (Sawyer).
It was so crazy seeing them all up there! Then they took their seats down in front and they were right below us. Their photos were on pieces of paper on the chairs they were to sit in.
Michael Giacchino came out next with the musicians. They played seven pieces and in between, a couple of the actors read letters. They were written by the writers and were meant to be from other people on the island that weren't showcased; other people writing to their loved ones from the stranded island when they first landed. "Messages in a bottle." They were really beautiful and dramatic. And while the music played, they showed stills from Lost on the big screen. It was so beautiful hearing that music live. The seven pieces were: LOST Main Theme, Hollywood and Vines, Oceanic 6, The Temple of Boom, Life and Death, The Tangled Web, and Parting Words. Many of the musicians have been playing the music for all six years and there were other musicians alongside them who are from the Colburn School of Performing Arts in Los Angeles.
As we were sitting there, teary-eyed from the beautiful music, I felt really blessed to be able to experience something like this live. I know a lot of people in the world aren't even able to see live concerts, much less from an Oscar-winning composer in a beautiful hall in Los Angeles. I thank God for the amazing experiences he gives us, every day. And thanks go to Francis for buying the tickets. :) Nearing the end of the musical performance, I could hear a woman behind us who was literally in tears. It was emotional. Then, after he spoke a few words, they played a piece from Up, which is what he won his Oscar for. That was one of my favorite parts of the evening. They were extremely strict about not bringing in any cell phones or cameras, and it makes sense why. The Penultimate Episode was next. This is the episode that will be airing next Tuesday. I still can't believe we actually watched a new episode of Lost in its entirety with the actors and creators of the show, on a big screen.
After the event, outside, there were workers dressed like Dharma Initiatives handing out vitamin water that instead were labeled "Dharma Water." We exited in the back of the hall so we began walking to the left so that we could make it around to the front of the building. The whole night had blown us away. As we were walking on this upper-level walkway bridge, we came across the side of the building where we could see a HUGE gorgeous patio. There were big banners hung up that said ABC LOST, a DJ with dance music, lights everywhere, outside heaters, and tons of people wearing leis with drinks. We were on a walkway across the parking lot, but we were still close to eye-level and had a prime spot to see the Lost after-party! (Who knew they were having one?) So we just stood there, leaning against the brick walkway, watching everyone party. We still didn't have our cameras or cell phones and were too far away to get them, so we just stood there and watched. We couldn't see very well, but once in awhile people would come to the edge of their balcony and we'd try to make out if it was anyone. William Mapother (Ethan) and some woman were looking out at us, we waved at him and he waved back. Then, Rebecca Mader (Charlotte) was there with a couple guys. Sure, we felt a little stupid, but I didn't care. Why shouldn't we stand there and stare?
On the ground to our left, we could also see the doorway that the actors were leaving the party from and getting into their cars. They had a little awning set up where about four big security guards were there for them when they were ready to leave. We watched Sonya Walger (Penny) leave with her date, and a few others of the characters like Rose and Ethan and Arzt. Titus Welliver (MIB) came out and went to a crowd of fans down at the end of the parking lot and signed things for fans down there. We were up top and had a really good view of the party's balcony, so I didn't want to leave that spot. But then
Jorge Garcia (Hurley) came out with his girlfriend (Bethany AKA Sidekick22..they do blogs and podcasts together.) Jorge went down to the fans and signed for the whole row of them. So we ran down the flights of stairs and joined the end of the line and shook his hand as he went down the row. He looked pretty exhausted and his girlfriend was waiting in the car. They seemed really nice and it was cool of them to do that for their fans. Titus signed for about half the line of people and he left. Then we ran back up to our spot by the party. We were the only ones that were standing there, most everyone else was down by the parking lot, hoping to get autographs.
Then we saw
Josh Holloway (Sawyer) come down to leave. I am not a huge Sawyer fan, but I have to admit, it is crazy to see him in person. He has the whitest teeth and is really tan and definitely brings the star-struck. When he came down to where the security guards were, he was met with the screaming of the fans waiting across the parking lot. He then walked back up the stairs into this garage waiting area so that they could get his car ready. The opening to the garage is smack-dab across from where we were standing up there on the walkway. The fans across the way couldn't see in, but since we were up so high and the loading dock gate was lifted, we had the only view. He clearly thought that nobody could see him and that he was safe to just stand there and wait. So then Francis yells out "JOSH!" He sorta jumped and looked up at us, smiled and waved, and then snuck back around the corner. We were freaking out, we got our own personal waves from Sawyer! It was hilarious and amazing.
I don't even know how long we stood in that spot watching the party. Since we didn't have our cell phones we didn't even know what time it was. But I didn't want to leave and kept telling Francis that we should just keep standing there. I kept joking about how since we couldn't be up there, we should just have our own party. They provided the DJ, and we were there pretending. Eventually, someone would see that we had been standing there all night, and they would pity us and let us in. Wow. I can't believe how right I'd been!
We stood there watching and a guy came by and stood next to us. A lot of people had been walking by with leis so we knew that had been to the party, but we didn't know who they were. They probably could have been friends of the musicians or somehow affiliated with ABC. The guy asked us if we had been up there or if we were just watching. I said, "Oh, no. We've just been pretending." So he takes his lei off and puts it around my neck and says something like "Well, here. You can have a lei too." I thanked him and he left and this older couple comes up, they have leis on too and she says something like "You know, we have this one wristband here. You can get up there with this. We just have the one, though, because he can't get his off!" The man was standing there trying so hard to get his wristband off for us. We were like, "Are you serious??" And she said "Yeah, and since you have the lei you just walk right through past the guys and they'll wave you in with the wristbands. They won't even notice, trust me." The man said, "There's an open bar!" as he stood there for a good couple minutes, struggling to get his band off. And finally he did! Francis and I were in a state of shock and not even sure if it would work, but we couldn't believe it was actually happening. Whoever that couple was, we are so grateful to them. I wish we knew so that we could thank them!
So we started walking up toward the entrance, trying to act nonchalant. Since I had the lei, we were dressed up, and we had the wristbands, nobody even looked twice at us. After getting the courage we finally opened the doors and waltzed past the little security table. That's when it really hit me that we were going to be mingling with some of the actors from Lost! This huge suite/room was gorgeous, with the open bar and round tables around with candles lit. The outside balcony had a gorgeous view and space heaters and the DJ was still out there. I noticed Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) right away, he was right near the entrance hallway. He was with his wife and talking to some people. We got up the nerve to introduce ourselves and shake his hand! He was super nice and he said "Nice to meet you Clonnie." LOL. I don't care what he calls me! So we went mingling around the room some more. Daniel Dae Kim (Jin) was there with his wife, Nestor Carbonell (Richard), Michael Emerson (Ben), Carlton and Damon were all chatting with people. Then we got courage to introduce ourselves to Jeremy Davies (Daniel Faraday) and he was so cool! We actually had a conversation with him about his bobble head. I can't believe we chatted with Faraday (AKA Timothy Upham from Saving Private Ryan). Paul Scheer, comedian was there. Also, Martin Starr from Freaks and Geeks and Knocked up was standing right next to me.
For most of the party we were just standing there against the wall, only feet away from these people who we are so in awe of. It was incredible. We were trying not to stare and act too obsessed but it was really hard to try and act natural. When me and Francis were leaning against the wall, the FUNNIEST thing happened that probably made my night more than anything. It sounds really dorky but I swear it happened. I was standing to the left of the bar and Francis was next to me on my left. We were talking about something and I looked over to see Henry Ian Cusick walking by us, away from the bar. I caught him RIGHT in the middle of him checking me out! No joke, he was doing the up and down walk-by checkout. After he walked by I turned to Francis and said, "DID that seriously just happen right now???" And he saw it too and was like, "WOW. It did." Haha! It was completely mindless and unconscious but I'll never forget that. Desmond checked me out.
Then, Emilie de Ravin (Claire) shows up! She wasn't at the event but came to the party, she was dressed really casual with a cute black knit beanie. She is so tiny in person, I couldn't believe it. She had these huge heels on and still probably was only 5'4. I figured since she seemed really low key maybe she didn't want to be bothered, but Francis encouraged me to meet her. We introduced ourselves and shook her hand, she was so sweet. I'm so glad we did, she has been one of my favorite characters from Season One.
After the party had died down a little bit and we had met everyone, we left. And I am still in disbelief that we experienced that. To all my friends that love Lost too..I wish you could have been there with us. Even this aricle article called the afterparty "top-secret." I don't think there was even any media there to capture it. And since we weren't able to have cells or cameras for the event and we were parked miles away, we couldn't take any photos either :(. I really wish we had, but we couldn't do anything about it. I just can't believe it happened. And it's all because those two amazing people gave us their wristbands! ANGELS!! :D And because we stood out for hours in the cold, wishing we could be up there.