Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Yesterday I wrote an entry about worrying and how it gets nothing done, because I had been stressing about debt and money and everything people worry about. I felt pretty darn good after I wrote that and I decided I'm going to force myself to make this a good year, worry-free and taking chances. A couple hours later, my CAR broke down!! It's funny really, because, I was just asking for it.
But in all seriousness, this car is definitely on her last leg, and has been for quite some time. And I told my mom, 'Ya know? This is almost a relief. The one good thing about your car breaking down is no longer worrying about your car breaking down!' I really feel like "stuff" just weighs us down and adds stress.
Anyway. My last two entries have BEEN stressful, it just seeps out of me.
Finally, I would like to add, another of my goals this year is to meet more new people, because I forget how nice it is. :)

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