Monday, May 10, 2010


I think I'm going to change the direction of this blog. It has little direction anyway, since I haven't written in it in months, but I just don't want there to be any "rules" attached to it anymore. I wanted to review books, and I still will, but I want also for this to be my primary blog. That said, help! Am I technology illiterate? I can't seem to really grasp the layout of this website. I guess I've been spoiled with LiveJournal in the past. The way my blog looks stinks, big-time. I need some life up in here. I hope I can poke around and figure some of this stuff out. I want to be blog savvy.

Today, after much frustration, I finally signed up for classes for summer. I'm really excited to get going, to be investing in my future again. The status quo wasn't cutting it. The status quo being me working at a dead end job and hating every minute of it. I'm glad about it though. I'll never have any doubts that I can put up with the worse stuff there is, be a hard worker through and through. I've proved that I can work my way up, I'm almost 22 now and I am excited to get going with what I really want to do. Whatever that is!

I just wish I could read for a living. Isn't there someone out there who would pay me to just read? I can be a fiction book editor. Or I would love to be a book reviewer. Would I hate doing it? It's that fine line between loving something and then when doing what you love becomes work. It's very confusing.

In a perfect world, I could write novels and support myself. In another perfect world, I could learn Mandarin and be a translator somewhere, and write books on the side. But lately, getting a dose of this shaky economy, I've learned that I've got to think practical. So begins my quest for the practical field of work that won't drive me crazy and won't kill my creativity. Meanwhile, I'm going to be a little less hard on myself. I live in a very competitive part of the country and I don't have to be everything that everyone else is. I have to stay true and stay focused.

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